The existing windows were old and had degenerated, needing a complete window replacement. The cladding and flashing had deteriorated to the point where it was falling off. To install the new windows, we needed to remove the old windows and the surrounding cladding and flashing.
The client chose to use Stegbar double hung windows which feature a concealed spring block and tackle balance system, to provide smooth operation. The concealed mechanism makes these double hung windows neat and easy to clean. One of their greatest advantages with these windows is that you can pop the window out. This is ideal when trying to clean tall windows as you can take the window out and bring it down to a safe level for cleaning.
Double Hung Windows allow the user to open the top and bottom at the same time or separately. This flexibility is ideal for air circulation and to adapt to differing living conditions.
Previously where some of the doors opened in different directions, our builders changed their direction so that all the doors open outwards to the deck. Having the door open outwards provides better water proofing properties.
These colonial doors along with the double hung windows stand out and bring a modern look to the home. They were all part of a larger home renovation where we replace the existing deck, fixed termite damage and undertook a bathroom renovation.
Call Nick 0414 678 974 or Justin 0404 873 272 today to talk to them about your home renovation.